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Got a wet basement? Musty odors? Protect your home with our proven solutions & lifetime warranty.

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Zip code 43215

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Mid-State Basement Systems

Deb Main


Title: Logistics Specialist
Hometown: Duluth, MN
Deb Main from DBS

Deb joined the DBS team in 2024 as our Logistics Coordinator. She comes from a 21-year background in account management and also worked in an HR department for the last 4 years. She brings with her a ton of great experience, as well as a sense of happiness and positivity. What she enjoys most about her role is that she is always learning new things every day. 

When she isn't in the office, you can find her fishing, reading, and going to the cabin with the girls. If she could dine with any historical figure, she would choose to dine with Queen Elizabeth "just because"!

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