Ron Patterson was on time, very professional and personable. He corrected a very minor seepage problem that we occasionally experienced and punched out the plug in the sump cover to allow us to insert a hose from our humidifier.
Adirondack's sump system seemed to be a superior design to handle our particular basement water problem. After one year, with probably less rain and spring melt than normal, we've had no water in the basement, with the exception (twice in the past year) of water that has apparently seeped in one location through the block wall and down a firing strip behind the wall paneling onto a very small area of the cement floor. Ron installed a plastic piece to direct the the seepage from the firing strip to the block wall behind the plastic wall system instead of the seepage running along the bottom of the firing past the plastic wall system onto the concrete floor.
This was the best solution to what could have been a difficult problem to fix any other way.