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Got a wet basement? Musty odors? Protect your home with our proven solutions & lifetime warranty.

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Franks Basement Systems

Before & After Photos

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Sump Pump Upgrade and Waterproofing in Lewisville, NC

This old sump pump system was failing so we installed our brand-new system with interior waterproofing. This captures water seepage and pumps it away from the home.

Interior Basement Waterproofing in Belews Creek, NC

There was a massive amount of water seepage getting into the block walls holding up this basement. Efflorescence and chipped paint were visible signs of this. We installed our patented WaterGuard drainage and sump pump to stop the water from festering and send it away from the home.

Leaking Basement Waterproofing in Walkertown, NC

Efflorescence covered the block walls in this basement that indicated water seepage. This intrusion raised the humidity and risked flooding and increased wall cracking. We waterproofed the entire perimeter with WaterGuard and our TripleSafe sump pump.

WaterGuard Drainage Installed in Basement in Winston-Salem, NC

Water leakage was ruining this basement and allowing mold to grow on the walls. To solve this problem, we installed a waterproofing system with WaterGuard drainage around the perimeter and a CleanSapce vapor barrier along the walls. This collects intruding water and sends out away from the home.

Waterproofing Seeping Block Walls in Winston-Salem, NC

This garage was soaking up massive amounts of water and leaving behind a watery mess. We waterproofed the waterlogged block walls and drained the water safely away from the home.

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